Worldwide Independent Escort Finder

I have looked around and found some site doing what i’m trying to do

site like selectmetonight .com
has my idea down and although i am not looking for a clone
i would like my new site to operate like this.

take a look at what i have put together all ready on a Joomla CMS (use the logo from here when doing my site)

This is what i in vision for my site

a global recent posted sider or side bar that show the latest ad from all state and country as they are listed.

as users navigate to the state level the recent ads should show only recent ads from that state.

a search interface that has all countries in it with USA CANADA AND UK at the top of the list

when the user click the search button they can see every ad listing in that country just like electmetonight .com
then somewhere on the page you can navigate to the state level and then the next page show state ads and again the user can click to the city level

this site will only allow female or agency members
and in the member area they can post and keep track of their other post… delete or edit as they like

i would like to add a small PayPal donation button on some pages
seamlessly not all in the users faces.

the site will start with free listing but when i’m ready i would like a way to charge with paypal with the flick of a switch

i would like my page to have a white background on test like here ate scriptlance

pro looking sign up page and member area
spam and ad duplication blocker
members can choose in member area if reply to ads get send to there email or member privet inbox message

i’m open to the site builder adding more ideas to my site if they have good ones

i have a economy linux hosting
would this site build in joomla but if you can do it better with out it i’m open to that.
i would like the builder to upload finished site to my host and publish it.

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