Oscommerce Project Carts

What we need is the following:

When a customer needs a list of items we want to offer the customers to store this like “wish list”.

However, we need it to expand this to multiple “wish lists” so the customer can make various calculations for his projects or make repetative orders.

In the admin of the customer there must be a new item called “Project carts”.

In this item the customer can create a project (the name for this project is to be edited by customer) and he can go shopping for items in our website which are stored in the “project cart” which has all the fuctions as the regular shopping cart.

The customer can create up to XX “project carts” which are all in his customer-admin.

When the customer is finished shopping he must be able to send a request for a special price. Just by clicking a button “get quote for Project cart”. In the Admin the price can be changed to a special discount quote and by clicking a button the discount and new price will be mailed out to the customer.

When the customer wants to order he simply goes to the project cart and makes his way to checkout.

When a “project cart” is created an email must be send to the customer. Email must be in HTML-format (graphics will be provided).

After XX days a reminder of this project cart must be send out to the customer.

In Admin the “Project Cart” must be removeable and editable. Also a reminder email must be send from Admin.

As we want to create more repetative orders we want a similar list with “Stock orders”

Basicly the same as “Project cart” but named “Stock orders” so customers can go to their admin, click on the stock they want to have and order it by a click without the need to search for it in the shop.

The customer can create XX “Stock carts” WHICH DOESN’T EMPTY UPON ORDER!!

Further it must be working similar as “Project cart” (Special price, reminders, etc.).

A small How-to must be written.

When completed we’ll require the changelog!

When you have no proven record in OSCommerce projects please do not respond. Thanks!

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