Website Like Milliondollarpage And Obituaries Site

Hello i want want you to create two site for me but they are all pixel site where people buy pixels.

The first site is a pixel site where business and indivdual can buy pixels and move the pixel to where they want the pixel to be. The pixel should be able to hold atleast 2 million pixel so each page of pixel should hold atleast 250,000 pixel per page so 4 pages is required for the pixel. This site should remind people automaticly to renew thier payment yearly to stay on the site.

This pixel should be clear and bold so people can see them clearly because the milliondollarpage pixel isnt clear. I want my pixel site to be clear that why i want it in four pages.

The site should be able to take transaction and people move the pixel to space available after paying for it. I want the site to be simple and self run.

The second site i want you to create for me is also a pixel site but for obituaries so this site will be a whole new site on his own.

For the obituaries site, people will buy pixel can put picures etc and write about their love ones and share their mind in the pixel. I want this site to able to take 20 million pixels. The pixel should be in 100,000 pixel per page but it should be bold, clear and not too mush.

People should be able to buy candle, grave signs such as RIP etc but once people get the pixel they should be able to move it to available space or available space shows up and they put it there.

Likewise, i want the site to automately remind people after once year of buying pixel that they need to renew their pixel so it stays on for another year.

Also, people should be able to advertise on the site and advertise their love one on the site. I want this site to contain blogs for people to use and share their view on social network site and they should be able to sign in using twiiter etc.

Once one person sign up to the site, they should be able to invite their friends from social network site so the site should show umport your contact from msn, twitter, facebk etc so people invite their friends once they sign up.

I will be expecting your reply and i want this site to start in end of june. This is because my client plan you in july. I will be grateful if you can start bidding and once the site is over we pay you when time is ready.

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