WordPress Experts

Please make the following urgent changes in the homepage of Dtf.in:-

1. At present, there are 5 items each visible in the Services, Headlines, SH, RTI and Consumer on the homepage. This number should be 10 from 5.

2. There is no provision for “More News” for the category, Consumer, on the homepage. This provision needs to be made urgently.

3. Newsletter is not working fine and since we want to use it now so please either fix it or change the plugin with a working one.

4. Need some space for ad banners.. it can be of any size you can suggest and a nice banner management system (plugin)

Winning team needs to sign an NDA and payment will be made after we are satisfied.

Its not a more than a day job but for a team or programmer who is proficient in wordpress.

Deadline: we have to get this done in 1 day and budget is not more than $50


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