Mothly Seo Needed

Dear Freelancer..

i need to do SEO on one of my site, and the project will go monthly basis. I have attached a text file containing my site address.

you have to do following jobs…

On page SEO

-Meta Tags and Keywords
-404 redirection
-H1, H2
-Alt tag
-Site Map
-W3c validation
-Anchor Keywords linking on the pages
-HTML correction
-Broken Links correction

Off page SEO

-One Way Link Building
-Article Submission
-Blog Posting Packages
-Classified Submission
-Forum Submission
-Directory Submission
-Press Release Submissions
-RSS Feed Submission
-Search Engine Submission
-Social Bookmarking Submissions
-Complete Link Building Solutions
-Video Submission
-Social Network
-Website Comment Posting Packages

Now, you have to tell me which keyword will you choose for optimizations? At lest 3 must be.

For the off page SEO how many will do every month for each steps?

How much time/month it will take to come on Google first page?

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