Optin Squeeze Page Needed


This is a very simple optin need. I have a simple optin page/lead capture page I want to emulate. I also currently have my site and the logo, etc already up. All I need is for someone to put the optin form on my design, and code it, then have clean html based on an example given, so that we can fill in text below the optin. There is not design work needed other than recreating the form as needed and maybe the sign up button.

Need quick turn around. I can show you both the desired look, and the current page I have in PMB so you know exactly what you are getting into.
I can be online via skype to give feedback, but this is really probalby a 30-45 job, maybe less.

Check my feedback, i know what I want, and I pay quickly and turn projects around quickly. PLease note, i do not do escrow on projects this small, it is a waste of time. Again, check my 5 year history of paying on time and making your job easy!

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