Article Rewrite For Me 50

I am looking for a writer who can rewrite ehow articles as a normal article for me. I can pay $0.5 per article.

Read the original article then close it and think over it and write the same thing in your own words keeping the meaning and procedure same as original article

Bid for 50 articles, if you work well it could go to 500+ articles also Please ensure you read following details.

1. I will not accept any bid without sample articles.
2. Each submitted article should 100% pass copyscape test.
3. Articles needs to be grammatical error free and well proof read
4. You should be aware with keyword and its usage. You should be able to identify the keyword in given article and use the same keyword with 1% density including the title.
5. rewritten article should have an eye catchy title and should be expressing same meaning as original article.
6. Any article that does not fulfill above condition I will not accecpt that and will not pay for it.
7. You will transfer all the right to me for the article and will not send/sell it other or for sample purpose.

I am looking for a long term writers so keep that in mind you can maintain long term relation then only Bid

I can no increase my budget so it you think you can not work in the given cost please excude me and do not bother to bid.


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