php and mysql ONLY, template based ONLY on my template which can be enhanced, but must be close to mine.
i am on a budget. If I select you, and bid is higher than I can do in one month, must break it up in phases per month. will put half in escrow and balance when done within the month of each. Each time doing same.
do NOT send me email or bids unless you know how to build php from zero…. nor if it has nothing to do with what i need. Nor bid if you want me to do on another plateform… It is clear that I want php/mysql on template base site. PERIOD. several bids were made previously who could not do php from scratch and wanted me to change plateform, wating my time with bids.
I need to see experience sites you have done from others.
The site entitles below:
** create detail database, admin permission of site
** must be done more db driven vs long script pages so i can manage page better later by script areas on page.
** script notes on pages
** has 3 posting type sites/areas in one site which allows different permissions for members and non members.
** membership area offers a facebook Like wall feeds, info profile, groups, friends, messagers/email, likes, pokes,a daily journal vs notes, FB instant instant message chat, invites, comments, edits for post and other areas of site in “my accout area” and settings
** 3 membership and non member user permissions, and navagation notices
** webpage talkpage (chat area for signed in members with rooms per admin
** detailed advertising in membership post area forms and display set ads in locs, cats
** detail affiliate area 3 levels on all but top banner ads of site.
** talk page chats
** emp and monitor assignment in admin
** ajax location
unlimited categories and specs in more detail if your considered.
no hugh bids can be accepted, i am not a company. I can pay what is agreed and will tell you if not in budget. I will have a bigger buget once basic site is up and running. I have more areas to add to site. The first part is harder. I at least need the basics up on phase one. we can divide this project up into more than one if needed.