Need a programer able to design a web based app that will do the following, preferable language PHP since I am familiar with it, if you have any other suggestion let me know before hand and why should we go for anything different than PHP.
The program required is a simple data capture program that will required user to enter its information and pre-fill some PDF forms (about 4-6), the user will be presented with an initial data capture form (name, address, etc) after that, it will select which of the 3 options will want to fill (option a, b or c) every option will present the user with the PDF forms online for him to fill, the system will capture this data and save on a database, at the end of the filling process the customer will have the option to print the forms he/she already filled. The customer should be able to modify the data entered if it made a mistake and have the capability to save it again or print it if he/she wants too.
The database (Mysql-preffered), system should have the capability of show the information collected (for admins) by user, name, address, by any field we may want, but showing and sorting by last name is fine.
This system could be accommodate with any data entry module you may already have done, and have the data collected filled on the PDF forms, then saved, and then printed. Now needs to have an option at the beginning that will allow users to either enter the system by prepaying(this service will have a price and paypal will be the gateway), or enter through an username given (when no payment needs to be collected),
The forms to be filled are pdf forms related to filling for the Emergency banckruptcy proccess, this forms are available at the some of the sites, but I will provide you with all the form.
I will be uploading the PDf forms to be fill and some of the workflow for you to check.
Please feel free to ask questions.
The dateline of this project is for the next 3 weeks, so for 5/21/11 should be completed, tested and fully functional.