Simple Small Php/mysql Computer Parts & Ra Management System

we have faulty parts and replacement parts.

faulty parts are sent to manufacturers for replacement (ie RA) if under manu warranty

the replacement parts are then entered into stock and subsequently used in a repair job and the faulty parts fro THAT job then come back and the whole process repeats itself

all parts are associated with two job IDs – the job id they came from, and the job id they went to

they will have a status/s of faulty and replacement

the ‘tricky’ part is that a replacement part could turn out to be faulty 😉

slo we need to be able to flag that a replacement part is faulty (and then we send it back to the manu who sent it and get it replaced AGAIN)

and partly because of this we need to track who supplied the replacement part and which job that was for (as per above)

because of the cycle of faulty > replacement > faulty > replacement, we prob need a series of pointers so we can back track from job to job to job to job

although we have faulty parts that are not still under manu warranty, this system will NOT be concerned about those.

so the only faulty parts entered will those still under manu warranty. and their replacements, and then waht job those replacments are used for

another disposal option/s for replacement parts in stock are – sell or discard

the volume we are talking about is currently very small ie less than 200 stock items and about a max turnover of 20 per week

the forms must look attractive and be easy and very logical to use

there needs to be a ‘user class’ access levels that permiot different levels of edit/delete etc

our standand names for these levels are – admin/office/service/sales

then different user logons can be associated with a user class

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