Create an application in Visual Basic Using Visual Studio 2010 that will imitate building a Stock Portfolio.
1) Create MS-Access database called Stock Portfolio with Stocks table. Fill Stocks table with the data shown above.
2) Develop an application that performs the following tasks: add a stock to the portfolio, update a stock, display stocks and show profit (or loss) of your portfolio.
3) A possible form design is provided. You may use DataGridView instead of outListBox.
You may modify the design if needed.
4) Include necessary comments. In addition, specify the authorship for all parts of the code using comments.
5) Define Stocks Class with appropriate members. Keep class definition in a different file.
6) Implement input validation for all input fields.
7) Display the information from Stocks table as shown in Stock Portfolio table when the user clicks on a Display Stocks Button.
8) Add another stock at the end of the table when the user clicks on an Add Stock button. The data for the new stock should be read from appropriately labeled text boxes.
9) Update the current Price/Share of a stock in the Stocks table when the user clicks on an Update Stock button. The name of the stock to be updated and the new price should be read from the appropriate text boxes.
10) Process the data in Stocks table and produce the display with current stock information when “Show Profit/Loss” button is clicked. Use the following formulas:
Cost is the product of Number of Shares and Purchase Price/Share;
Current Value is a product of Number of Shares and Current Price/Share;
Profit (or Loss) is a difference between Cost and Current Value. If negative (or Loss), include result in parenthesis.