Php Developer

I need a experienced php developer with great knowledge of Joomla and possible jquery/mootools.
Initial timeframe will be one month to start up with and if you do well there is possibilities for full time position.

In your bid you send me:
– Location: contry,city,timezone
– Availability: half day, full day, weekends
– 4 best custom developed php solutions developed by yourself
– Work sample where i can check and verify your coding.

If you can answer yes to the questions below then place a bid, if not do not bother

You need to sign a NDA.
You are available online during workin hours.
You are the person that do the work and not a “project manager”.
You can take initiative on your own and check/solve issues.
You can work without supervision.
You know the trends in webdesign.
You are a honest and reiable person.

The first initial project for you is to check/cleanup/fix (or simply rebuild) a very specific joomla template that is buildt for Joomla 1.6.
And after that initial extensions is needed.

If you find this intresting then happy bidding(for one month full time work) and place gogreen into the bid/message to make sure you read it all.

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