Microsoft Word Headers And Footers

I have written a 200+ page book using and old version of Microsoft Word (2002 -2003). I am having serious problems trying to get my Headers and Footers to “act right”. I believe my version of Word does not matter.

I need someone that is an EXPERT with Word and has dealt with header and footer problems before. Please note, if you simply know how to create headers and footers – you do not qualify for this task. You must understand “sections” and other nuances that make this task problematic.

Word does a terrible job of handling headers and footers. I have 11 Chapters in my book and Word has proven to be nearly impossible to get the Chapter headers to work. If I change chapter 3’s header it affects and alters chapter 2’s header (wrongly) etc. I have each chapter in it’s own SECTION and I tried working with “Same as Previous” etc.

Please don’t reply unless you have dealt with these problems. This is not a normal “wordprocessing” issue. Please don’t waste your time or mine assuming you know how to handle this problematic issue. I am already really good with Word and this problem baffles “me”.

I need someone to FIX my headers and footers. This should not be a lengthy process for the “right person”. You’ll either know what I am talking about or you don’t. Please, no on the job training. Thanks!

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