Fbml Help Needed

Check the following Facebook Fan page
I need instructions with code.

1>How to make the way they have arranged the video) so it would play only when liked(It’s not a dummy image but actual last video from youtube which plays at the same place when liked).Remember I know how to create fan only content.This is something different.

2>Other than latest youtube video how to do the same for any standalone video,hosted from elsewhere,may be my own server.

3>The bottom scroller(probably made with FBJS) actually shows last youtube videos as u click next and plays in the same place like a youtube player playlist.Need this as well.

4>When you like or enter page it asks you to subscribe through a FBML popup.Need that too.(Note:They take you to a apps page with various function dev by them,I don’t need that,but all I need the subscribe popup to subscribe people).

Need working example before we escrow money.Any unreasonable bid amount would be removed.
Thanks and happy bidding!

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