Dear Web Developers,
Thanks for your interest in the project.
We will go though out more specific details together when you have been chosen to work on this project.
Now, the project is Order Food Online. We look for similarities as just-eat(, but our competitor is ekelni(.com)
We need your creativity to put all the functionalities we need to set up this website and run it successfully, considering the following requirements:
1. Online application for partnership listing (Restaurant) + restaurant interface
2. Online application for client (User) + user interface
3. Management System: Orders, Deliveries, Revenue etc..
4. Rating and Review System.
5. Payment Gateway (details will be provided from local gateways)
All in all, as i mentioned before we need your creativity and innovation is this project, but generally these are the main requirements.
By the way, please bid fairly as you will need to update your work in the future as well as handling other similar project.
Happy bidding!