Re-do Oscommerce Website

I have an existing site and the code is a mess and site not working properly – I need it redone in maybe magento or updated version of oscommerce – i need it secure and I need it with all its current functionality as well as the below which I had posted as a project but may as well look at redoing it all. IMPORTANTLY _ I NEED IT DONE QUICKLY

The layout/Template I think if fine but maybe more products per line in product listing as well as the functionality below – which may change slightly as we go along but more or less what I need.

.I have a website that is about to go Nationwide. What I need is a list and map when clients go onto the site that allows them to choose their location. I have one or two categories that are only available to the local area so these must not show as available if someone is outside the area.We have a mod installed that was supposed to allow certain IP address to see certain categories but as South African IP addresses are not very accurate it doesn’t work but this could be linked in with the map/area. I need to be able to add and change this list so need full control. The location they choose must affect delivery options and deliverable areas – again I need full control preferably in admin panel

The ideal would show a lightbox with map and list that they can click on with the option for these settings to be remembered.

2. Certain products (available locally) require one trip per product – I need to have control to add a delivery charge per product. The system will need to recognise the products or bulk loads and if a client orders one of these products then no other delivery will be charged as we can fit smaller items on the truck.

3. For all other products I need delivery options to be attractively setup for the areas according to the area they choose when entering the site.

4. I need to be able to set the rate but for now it is R45 up to 15kg and R55 from 15kg-30kg. Anything over 30kg must incur a new delivery charge

5. I need a box on every page where people can submit their email to sign up for our news letter.

6. As we will bundle some products I will need the product attributes to do the following:

6a More than one of the same attribute must be able to be selected
6b Product attributes to be linked to stock levels and deduct accordingly.

7. SEO I need the site to be prominenet in South Africa

8. A method to easily populate and adjust stock levels, product listings etc.

9. I have installed the birthday greeting mod. The birthday was not working when people registered – I need this fixed so the birthday card mod can work

These are not difficult jobs, but I need them done asap

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