Openlayers Mapping

Hi All,

I am looking for a developer that has knowledge with the following technologies:


My project is for a Tracking website where it will display points on a map,

we also need a function to create geometric shapes save the info to the DB and redisplay them

you will also need to be able to create groups, and read data from XML and from a database

the backend that inserts the data into the database already exists so this is not necessary only the displaying of the data.

we will be using mapserver for the map tiles, this is already set up and is ready to go

Once again this is only or the front end, a detailed spec will be given to the successfull bidder.

PLEASE do not bid if you have no experiance in using these technologies, i need this done within 3 weeks, so i dont have time for you to learn!!!!!

Happy Bidding


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