Excel Macro/script Needed – Apple

I have a small project that should be easy for anyone who knows how to make excel scripts/macro

I have a long string:


I am interested in the 31st-33rd numbers.

I need the file parsed out to that number.

Possibly the best solution would be to make a macro so a single file saved for each of the combination at 31st-33rd.

This would however, create possibly 200+ different txt files, each containing just the strings that contain that specific number.

So these:


Would be placed in a file entitled 389 along with any others that have 389 at the 31st-33rd location.

And these:

Would be placed in a file entitled 116 along with any others that have 389 at the 31st-33rd location.

The files should have the ability to have it automatically name the text file “my choice”-116.txt

In the macro, it may ask what the name should be. So if I Oakland the files should be created as Oakland-116.txt, Oakland-389.txt, etc.

The macro must work on MS excel Mac 2004 on a Apple iMac

Attached is a sample file to work with.

Needs to be completed by Tuesday Morning. Quick project for anyone who knows what they are doing. Budget $40

Future jobs if result is very good.

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