fix bugs…it doesn’t show you the current user logged in.., It doesn’t show the gigs images in the homepage..the images are shown only if you click on the gig to see it shows some database errors on the page..etc.. On top of all is vulnerable to RFI.
1.Users can Advertise Sell items Buy items Do jobs- change of form to implement this.
3.Able to upload videos but using Youtube URL.
4. Dispute feature- if something isnt delivered or something isnt of a good standard can dispute touch of a button and sends message to admin.
5.As everything is more or less buy-it-now, users can negotiate price rather than a specific set price..
Negotiate button which does this.
OFFERS section for user once logged in getting offers from other users. For example you open offers once logged in and get messages like this…username of bidder has offered x for name of item, or job