Chat + Facebook


We are looking for a developer or development team willing to work on our new project. This project consists of building a Chat website/ messenger where users can login via facebook and invite friends from Facebook to chat on the site and add to groups on their messenger. ( this will be web based )

The following features are required:

– Facbook login to our site ( collects information, username, email, allows to post on users facebook page etc )

– Friends should be able to invite friends from facebook and be able to add them to their messenger list on our chat software.

– The chat system will work like a messenger, where you can talk to friends that are online and invite multiple friends in one conversation. It should also accommodate for file transfer within chat dialogues.

there are more features, but we will explain in depth once we have selected a bidder.

We would like similair sign up process that is used on when signing up using a facebook account.

We have designed all the pages in Adobe fireworks .png format. and will hand over the files to the winning developer.

What we are looking for:

– Developers fluent in Facebook API
– Developers fluent in XHTMl, php, mysql J query

– must be able to create a website similar standard to but based solely around a chat/ messenger module with Facebook Plugin.

Only experienced developers apply. This is a long term project but we need the site up and running within 2 weeks. The developers choosen will be contracted by the company i work for multiple years.

Payment will only be made once you have completed the project and is working 100% on your test sever. We will then transfer funds and in-turn you will install on our server. We have been messed around too much on scriptlance in the past.

Happy bidding.

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