We need a Microsoft Outlook plug-in or Windows application that once installed will periodically pull contacts from our web service to update Outlook contact list. The web service allows requesting full contact list (for initial run) and contacts created/modified after specific date and time (for periodic synchronization).
Basic requirements are:
The plug-in have to recognize already existing contacts by their IDs found in exported data and update them. If some contact ID not found in Outlook it have to create it and store our ID with it for later use.
The plug-in must work silently and do not interrupt the user in any way.
Please PM me for web service URL and usage instructions. Currently it provides contact data in CSV format but our developer can implement any other format if selected developer will need that.
If your solution could support other e-mail clients like Outlook Express, Thunderbird, etc (or can be easily extended for them in future) that will be a plus for selecting your bid.
In your bid description please explain how are your going to implement your solution, which technologies will be used, etc. Other bids will be ignored.
If possible please provide examples of your work with MS Outlook.