Daily Deals Dealsurf.com Clone/ Script.

Please read further carefully and DO NOT bid if you cant finish project in time or later you will find project difficult. We will go make a formal complain to ScriptLancer against your company.
We wont pay advance
DO not send me a generic PM, i wont respond. Send me specifics after reading the project. How would you do it.

I want a “Daily Deals” aggregation website similar to Yipit.com and DealSurf.com with few enhancements, changes

Needs to be able to pull from all sites offered in certain city markets (and filter out the sites that are not yet available in these markets). Sites may include Groupon, Living Social, BargainBee, Deals of the Day, Deal On, Tippr, etc. Legitimate group buying sites need to appear first as they will be my affiliate websites. This needs to be in many different country so the code has to be generic. ONLY USA based will not be acceptable as we wont be doing business in USA.

The script needs to auto-pull the deal provider (highlighted in squared, branded blocks per each deal site), picture of the deal (pulled from the site), main tltle of the the offer(s), description and information, retailer price, deal price, discount, time left on deal, and link to the landing page of the deal (utilizing my referral links).

Need to include affiliate tracking, and the following:
* Ability to sort by city, by Web provider (Groupon, Livingsocial…), by category, by deals expiring time, and ability to select one or more cities at once to display deals (like people who want to see deals in the same State where they can access multiple cities at the click of a button – MUST be seamless and not glitchy).
* Ability to pull in automatically the deals and not only based on RSS feed (which is mandatory) – it will need to “scrape” the deals, and any sidebar deals need to only be posted once (so there aren’t duplicative deals)
* Ability to add any other group buying website easily from admin back end.
* Ability to automatically categorize every deal.
* Links should easily be integrated with affiliate accounts.
* Will automatically upload each deal in Facebook and Twitter (with the ability to easily post to the aggregation FB page for individual cities – for example, each day all the deals in NYC are either bundled or posted individually to my site and posted to city-specific FB and Twitter accounts (ex: Daily Deals NYC) w/ URL trackers (bit.ly or equivalent).
* Front-end: each city will have a pic that can be uploaded from the back end.
* Needs to pull in all the side deals as well (like the vacation deals for Living Social, or deals that are web-based and open to all markets… similar to YipIt nation)
* Email to be sent every day and needs to be relevant for the city group buying deals + any products
* Each page will have a title, meta description, and Headers (H1) tags.
* Site should be able to run with minimum maintenance.
* Built in XML Sitemap
* Built in MySQL database
* script property is ours
* Must be secure
* Must be error/bugs free and if we find bug you will have to make it free (will not be paying you extra and this service will be included).
* Easy to translate
* You will provide 1 year support to the site.

NOTE: you will have to install to our server and give this project as turn-key condition where people could start using site. All we will give you is a logo idea and the fee that you would charge from us and login details of our hosting company.

From the back-end I will need to know stats on how often people click on links. I’d like this info dumped into a database with date, website, name of deal, clicks, etc.
Affiliate programe needs to be included so that we could make money (and keep paying you for maintaining the site)

From a design perspective, creativity is encouraged. I don’t want this to be a Yipit.com clone, just a site based on those same principles. Needs to look slick and operate intuitively.

I also want to offer offer a marketplace to exchange/sell offers you bought but can’t take advantage of.

I want to be able to allow my community to rate Daily Deals providers (they can sign up for an account via FB Connect or through a normal registration form) where they are providing reviews on the deals offered, legitimacy, etc., of all the deal sites (and this 5-star rating system needs to be accessible next to each corresponding site heading for the deal that is posted).

Phase 1 for this project is for a website. Future projects will include a Mobile app.

Because of the budget (whcih is the bottom end of the range), it probably only makes sense for the following:
1) You have completed a very similar project and would not need to start from scratch
2) You need to get your foot in the door and need an excellent review

I will be available at almost anytime during the process. Let’s get it done!

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