Simple WordPress Plug-in – Almost Entirely Coded Already

I have already coded what I want the plug-in to do, I just don’t have the know how on how to turn it into a plug in. In other words, right now, I’m manually inserting the PHP code I’ve coded onto the “post” page of my blog, and it works exactly as it should.

However, I want it turned into a plug in that I can activate/deactivate etc.

I’ve attached a picture of what I want the plug-in settings screen to look like.


What I’ve already coded, displays a message on my blog posts when certain conditions are met.

The basic idea of the code is this:

if conditions are met{
?> trackback or comment message here <? }

You’ll need to manually code something that inserts the text from the plug-in settings page into that slot.

Some additions to the code will be needed, but it will be very minor. I don’t want to share what I’ve made publicly, so if you’re interested in this project, please PM me for more details.

The plug-in will have to automatically insert the code I have already coded into the blogs “posts” above all other content, beneath the title.

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