Music Networking Site

First Phase:

1. Development of a neat and clean unique design as per your preference.
2. Design is send for your approval
3. After approving design from your side we develop a technical Y-Frame for the project and send for your approval.
4. As you approve Y-Frame we immediately start working on the programming part of the website.

Second Phase:

1. Development of User section
2. User Section contains User registration page with fields approved in the Y-frame
3. E-mail verification
4. User Login Section
5. User My account Section (Edit his/her profile as per the registration fields and also add his/her video / music / picture / embedded code videos / etc.
6. User can send friend invitation for adding new friends
7. User can accept friend request
8. User can send messages to friends added in his/her list
9. User can write on wall/scrap (as per your choice) on his/her friend’s profile.
10. User can view News pulled from the RSS feeds.
11. User can add his/her picture / view others picture / public or private / add comments / add to favorite etc.
12. User can add videos / stream others videos / add comments / rate / add to favorite etc.
13. User can chat with other users online and added to his/her friend list (Messenger chat)
Third Phase:

1. Admin section development
2. Admin section contains full administrator power to control the website
3. Member Module for (add/edit/delete/view) members ban useless profiles
4. Category manager
5. Video Manager
6. Music Manager
7. Photo Manager
8. Static page manager for about us / contact us / advertize with us pages etc
9. Metatag Manager for adding metatags to the website for SEO purpose
10. Ads manager for managing Script ads / banner ads / image ads
11. Site on / off feature
12. Admin profiles edit manager

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