I have a page at http://www.samschool.org/splash/index.html that I want to be the default page that a user arrives at if they go to http://www.samschool.org. I have tried putting this index.html into the same root level folder as index.php (the true home page) to get the splash page to work, but the index.html page then doesn’t actually let you arrive at http://www.samschool.org/index.php when you click on the link to the true home page from index.html. The redirect in the header to http://www.samschool.org/index.php after 20 seconds doesn’t work either. I have tried editing htaccess and it hasn’t worked either. I’ve seen people discuss this issue on message boards, but the solutions are beyond my skills to attempt or apply to
I don’t know if my SEF functionality is messing with this or not. There is mention of SEF in the htaccess file, but I don’t know what I’m lookinat at in this code to know if it is creating the problem or not.
– back up the actual files you may change before you make changes so you can return to the originals if you mess something up
– we cannot upgrade the version of joomla
– site must stay up and functional while you are attempting your solution. It is o.k. if things don’t work for 60 seconds or so while you are trying out various scenarios.
– When a user clicks on “Home” in the main navigation of the Joomla site, it must arrive at http://www.samschool.org/index.php, not http://www.samschool.org/index.html.
Need this done within the next 24 hours.