Setup A Remote Server Like Danger

Hello Allo,

I am not sure if this is do able but I am looking for a programer to help me setup an the Sharp Mobiflip/Sidekick on a local server where I can send emails and share calendar with a group of employees in our company.

I am looking for a creative team that can help me find the equipment I need to run this and help me from a mobile and server interface stand point.

Please indicate in detail how you plan to address this project.

Things to consider:

– The native OS on the Sharp device
– Limitations of running my own server verses using a professional service
– How this can be applied to other devices
– I would like to start with the mobiflip but I would like in the future to be able to set up other devices
– I understand that this is just like the Black Berry enterprise express service
– The idea is to bring this service on a very simple bases to other unique devices such as the mobiflip


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