Resume Writers

I am looking for a partner for a resume writing business I am looking to start.

My skills are in the area’s of sales, customer service, marketing and am starting into web development. What I would like to do is create and market a website for resume services that you or your team of writers to complete.

This could work in a number of different ways but the basics of what I am looking for is someone who has resume writing certifications that would produce resumes on an on demand basis. There would be no work for you to do unless there is work for you.

This would probably not be a full time position but could be a great way to fill in your gaps between jobs.

If you do not have any certifications but are interested still in partnering message me still. I am open to a bunch of different possibilities such as bringing in a certified expert to be the editor and develop a team of young resume writers to do the bulk of the writing.

Contact me soon so we can start planning.

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