Article writing subject: payday loans
Articles in pieces: 50
Words in one article: 500
Below is the job description:
> Good English and ability to write interesting articles
> Should be free from grammatical/spelling errors
> Should be 100% copy-scape pass. Plagiarism will not be tolerated!
> Content must be researched and well structured
> There should be proper flow between paragraphs
> Writing style to target English audience
> Articles should be proof-read before sending
> Any article, if rejected, should be rewritten
> If the quality of articles drops below the expected standard, we will have to terminate your services
> You will have no right to the article once the article is accepted (no credit will be given to the writer).
> You will have no right to publish these articles in your blogs or provide them as samples.
> Deadline will be discussed
> Keywords will be sent by me
> Keywords frequency should be correct
> Keywords should be colored “yellow” in text