We have a website on indian artists. We would like to integrate event registration and event ticket selling and event promotion through social networking sites.The site is for indian audience. I have designed the screens already and will share it with the winning bidders. the brief description of the functionalities are described below.
Brief Description:
– Event Listing Screen – Lists all the events available in the system. On the Left hand side of the screen there will be some selection criterias like date range, location, event category etc using which event selections will be done.
– Event Details Screen: Selecting an event will show the details of the event like name of the event, event description, location , date etc. In addition it will show the sellable type of tickets for that event like VIP, General Category.
– Order Screen: Selecting a ticket category will allow user to go to the order screen where he will be able to order a event ticket and pay through paypal. on payment he will receive a receipe with which he will get the paper ticket on the venue.
– Create Ticket: Only registered users to the site will be able to create a ticket. Registration to the site is not in the scope of this project as it will be done using the existing website registration. Once the user registers to the site and comes back to create screen, he will enter the details like event name, event description, venue, event organizer etc for the event. In addition if the event organizer wants to sell ticket he will use subscreen (pop up)to add ticket to enter the sellable ticket types and its price. Also he will give the information concerning his paypal or bank account in a popup window where he would like to get the payments for the sold tickets.
– Edit Ticket screen: This screen is required for an organizer who has already registered some events and wants to do some editing of the same. the screen is like the create screen in edit mode. In addition at the top of the screen there will be a list of all the events that he created.
– Event organizers will have the possibility to create a event and save or publish it. Once an event is published it will come to the administratior for approval. Admin will check all the attributes of the event and publish it. In case the event is free, it can be published without admin intervention. For Events with ticket selling possibility admin intervention is must. Once admin approves an event there will be emails sent to all the registered users of the site about the event. Emails will also be sent to those users who has opted for email alerts on new events. At the same time the summary of the event will get published in facebook profile of the site and in twitter to make some promotion about the event.
– Users can choose to get email alerts by enetering their mail id to the system for new events
– There will be RSS feed for the events.
– There should be an admin module to manage the Event management.
– the system should be developed in php / mysql
– I will provide the layout of the design. You have to match it to the design of the existing site where you will integrate this module by creating a tab called “EVENT”