Articles & Data Entry

Project: Articles & Data Entry

Description: I will be awarding this project to two separate freelancers. Please no low bids to gain the project, bid according to what you are willing to work for on a long term scale.

Articles: I am looking for someone to be like a category lead for my article how-to website. You will be responsibly for at least one quality post per week in your category. All articles are how-to type articles and should be accurate, easy to read, and a firm grasp on English grammar. I am interested in having someone head up the travel section or personal finance section first. Bonuses will be paid for high performing articles. There is no set price on these posts, but please provide links to similar work you have done if bidding high. Depending on your performance, we may increase the number of articles per week. We will also provide topics on occassion. An understanding of SEO is highly encouraged.

Data Entry: I have a back log of thousands of articles I would like posted to my article how-to site (joomla). You simply cut and paste for the most part. Simple work, no programming or formatting. Each article must be uploaded by hand, no scripts or tricks. Each article takes 1 minute to post, so you can post upwards of 60 in an hour depending how fast you are. I am looking for someone who can post atleast 10 per day and around 200-500 per week. The maximum I am will to pay per post is $.10 each.

Notice: Content must be 100% original and all rights will be transfered to the website. You are acting as a ghostwriter for each article written.

Payment Terms: Milestones will be used and payment will be made after work has been completed and delivered. All payments will go through scriptlance escrow. 100% escrow will not be provided for this project, only on a per milestone basis.

Other Details: We expect quick communication on a daily basis for the data entry position and bi-weekly for the articles project.

Website address will be provided via the PMB to those who ask for it. Thank you and happy bidding.

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