Easy Magento Work Done On Site

I need easy magento work done in the next day. I’ll pay $65 for this work. It’s not hard work.
Need to Add About Us link in main header navigation. – Page Already Exists

Modify Bottom Navigation to Include links to additional pages – Pages Already Exist

Add twitter and facebook icons to bottom navigation

Image Updates:
Update Home page Image with new artwork – Artwork to be provided

Product pages new main image updates – artwork to be provided apprx changing out 8-12 images

Images will be the same size as current website photos. Just merely changing out the photo.

Functionality Changes:

Every product page needs 3 additional categories to be standard on product upload.
-Three additional categories will have the following number of options available
-Category A – 6 choices (may select multiple choices)
– Category B – 4 choices (may select multiple choices)
-Category C – 8 choices (may select multiple choices)
– Each category needs functionality to be able to add more choices and corresponding icon in the future.

– Each choice within each Category will have unique icon that will need to be displayed on product page (Artwork Icons Provided) (Page Layout Provided as well)

– Each Icon will need to link to description anchor on another page. All icons will have descriptions on same page.
Also, Looking at the home page “Contribution to the environment page” we noticed that it is text over an image. I would like to remove this text and change out the image to the one attached.

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