Need 20 Unique Articles

I need someone who is fluent and proficient in English to write 20 articles with each article between 400-500 words.

The requirements are as follows:

10x Forex Robot articles
– Use the top searched forex robot keywords as given by the google keyword tool
– Some of the articles should be reviews of forex robots that are available
– The articles should be written for someone who wants to find out more about how a forex robot works, what the advantages and disadvantages are, what the risks are, what to look for when choosing a forex robot and what are the best products to buy


10x Registry cleaner articles
– Use the top searched registry cleaner keywords as given by the google keyword tool
– Some of the articles should be reviews of actual registry cleaner products
– The articles should be written so that someone with a problem with their computer can find out more about computer registry problems, how to identify the problems, how to fix the problems, what to look for in a registry cleaner and some suggested products to choose from


All the articles need to be:

– 100% unique and pass copyscape – every paragraph and sentence should be uniquely written by you

– Natural English flow – I will be looking at sentence structure, syntax and the overall flow of the article (eg. in the past I have found some articles have a very start-stop writing style since English is not their first language)

– 400-500 words in length (they can be slightly longer)

– They should be truly useful, I don’t know much about these topics so the test is to see if you can educate me and inform me about forex robots and registry cleaners

– The articles should be submitted in MS Word format

– I will put 100% of the money in to escrow upon starting the project and release 50% once the first 10 articles are done and release the remaining 50% when the rest of the articles are delivered

– Please provide sample links to your writing in the PMB

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