Need the following:
*log parser- as new files available
*Database connector
*Database Schema
*Web-based interface with canned reports based on criteria.
* user login. admin can assign what clientid goes with each username in the system
Options could be
*Ability to create custom queries.
*Email reports with CSV attachments per client
In the logs we append to a gif file:
clientID, sID, oID, mType, bID, CID, country,
custom variables (1 currently, need to be able to pass more)
Example: p.gif?cid=tn&sid=1234&oid=1234&cc=US&mt=o&cpd=1234custom1=custom&rr=#rand
rr is just a random variable we append that is not parsed from logs..
Need: views/load of file by date per cid for sid, oid (file), cpd
It needs to support a couple million parses per day.
Logs may need to be grabbed via rsync.