Group Buying Site


We are interested in building a Group buying site website for an Australian based company. Would like the website to have all the functionality of

But the key differences are:

1) When a member buys a deal – we want to be able to credit a percentage of this back (either 5 or 10%) back to their account as as a kick-back. This is for anything they purchase. So they in essence will always have something in their credit account to be used for futures purchases.

2) Affiliates & referrals capabilities – Very important – We want to pay referrers and Affiliates 10% of any purchase from their member’s purchases – NOT a one off $10 referal but an ongoing percentage (e.g. 10%) from all sales- e.g. If my friend buys 2 deals – one $100 and the second one $50 – I would get $10 & $5 – so my account will be $15 – however, not as credit though – we only want admin to see and report on this and then pay these amounts to each affiliate/referrer by cash.

If you can do the above please submit quote.


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