I need a PHP sign-up form to be made. The form must be in steps – where the user enters their information, then it verifies required information before you are allowed to go to next part of form. I would lik the form to be in 3 steps with a progress arrow bar image indicator above form to indicate what step user is on. This will be hosted on SSL site with their own certificate.
Here are the fields wanted (* indicates required fields):
*First Name, Middle Initial, *Last Name, Sex*, *Address, *City, *State, *Zip Code, *Primary Email/Username, Secondary Email, *Password, *Primary Number (cell), Secondary Number (work)
End of part one:
Primary Work Field, Total Monthly Income, **Transfer%, Monthly Transfer Total, *Signup Date, (the name information gets past on from first part of form)
*First Name, *Middle Initial, *Last Name, If Corporation name of Corporation, State were incorporated, *S.S./EIN/TIN #, *Sex, *Status, (the address information gets past on from first part of form) *Street Address, Apt#, *City, *State *Zip, (*the phone information gets past on from first part of form)Home Phone, Work Phone, Cell Telephone, *Date of Birth, *Approx. Monthly Income (from all sources), *Banks name, *Routing#, *Account#.
End of part two:
*Check to agree, *Write Name, *Amount, *Date
The form must look professional/clean..otherwise I would do it, if you cannot do this type of work, please do not contact me.
Pleaes let me know cost and delivery time.