Integration And A Little Css Programming

Need a RELIABLE programmer that can integrate with automatic recur billing.

I already have a setup up done on one site but
the arb is not working 100%. This means you
have to fix it so that customers get charged
after 30 days. This is automatic but i need you
to check it and make sure it works completely and

Must COMPLETELY set this up to work 100%, which
means everything from email notification of
orders to, fully functioning monthly billing notices. It
sounds like work BUT ITS NOT. (note, does this automatically but you just have
to make sure ITS WORKING.)

NOTE: Another programmer created a database, and also
an email receipt that I (merchant) and customer receives
after each order is placed. However, it creates an
order id but it is not the same as the receipt
that is automatically created. I need the two to be identical.

Heres is the deal:
1) fix current sites arb which is ALREADY connected
to and fix its email receipts. It connects
to via ssl page which is already DONE.
Also you need to make sure that the ordering process FLOW
is working (ie. ssl order page, goes through to one-time-
offer page where i have a dynamic script that charges
different price every minute the customer delays the order.)
So a little bit of scripting knowledge is necessary.

2) copy the exact same code/process to a similar all css coded
site that i have. THIS SHOULD BE EASY just by looking at or COPYING the code(which i already PAID another programmer); i know how
to do ALL OF THIS but dont want to bother. The site
uses CSS so please dont bid if YOU ARE NOT familiar
with css code. But like i said it should be easy since
I already have a site that is almost identical, so you
just need to copy the code (this can be done in minutes
if you are skilled). Different product, same process.

3) Add integration to three more
sites that are in html (as opposed to all css coded site).

This really isnt a BIG DEAL if you have programmed sites before; you are not creating a
software program so I need this finished by this SUNDAY.
NO EXEPTIONS. do not bid if you cannot complete by
SUNDAY which means you have to be available weekends.
I will ONLY ACCEPT 24/7 programmers.

Payment will be 100% after project is complete.
NO EXCEPTIONS! Down payments just invite lazy programmers to delay the project. Just think, in a few days you will have ALL YOUR MONEY
paid in full. Down payments do not work because it is pschological
and makes it seem as though the programmer gets very little at the end of the project. It is not my cup of tea. Put yourself in the employers shoes.

I will place all money in escrow and GUARANTEE payment on
deadline day (provided you finished).

If you ABSOLUTELY cannot finish by deadline, then I will not
pay. This isn’t rocket science it can be compeleted in two days
imo. I will add a BONUS payment if you can complete this in
two days.

Piece of cake. Do not high ball, that would be rediculous.

I dont want to place a maximum bid because it makes programmers
greedy and will always bid the highest.

I already have a set price that i am comfortable paying for this
type of easy work but will leave bid
open for competition bidding.

Cheers to all 24/7 programmers!

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