Simple Php Script To Submit Domains To

Need a simple script that does the following:

The script should have a top menu (shown within top frame), displays 3 options (1. Load domains, 2. Submit domains, 3. clear domains) and domain counters (see end note).

When click on option 1: Load Domains, the bottom frame prompts for 2 options. One is to import via text file (one domain per line) OR import via copy and paste into a textbox then click “Submit” import. The import should strip out any http or www prefix and bypass any domain names that are already in the Domains table. Also import all domain names in lowercase.

SQL table Domains:
domainurl varchar (128) PK
domainstatus char(1) default 0 // 0=new, 1 = submitted

When click on option 2: Submit Domains, the bottom frame asks for a time interval in seconds and the number of domains to submit, then Click on “Run” to start the submission process.

If the user enter 3 for time interval and 100 for domain counts, the script will pull next 100 un-submitted domain names and submit one domain every 3 second to, using this URL format (,, etc….) You must show the submission results on bottom frame.

When click on option 3: Clear Domains, simply empty the Domains table.

NOTE: the domain counter, should display the total number of domain in queue and the number of domain submitted. When the user, close the browser, the script should stop running. Also set “” at the beginning of the PHP script as a variable.

Please submit the PHP script and SQL file to complete the project. All source code must be unencrypted.

Thank you!

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