We need a Flash Scratch Card script with PHP backend…
1- User enters his/her mobile number
2- System check if that mobile number has any credits for play today
3- If user get credits he will Scratch the card
We have 3 different prizes categories
1- Big Price Category (TV,Iphone etc) %50 winning rate
2- Normal Price Category (USB Harddish etc) %25 winning rate
3- Small Price Category (Gum, Lighter etc) %25 winning rate
1- Every user can win 1 big prize and 1 Normal price and 1 Small price
2- If user already won 1 big AND 1 Normal AND 1 Small he/she can only win free Cards. But as you know he wont win anything with these new cards
3- If user invite their friends and if their friends enters the game he /she also win extra 3 cards for play…
4- Every user can play 3 times a day (but if the earned extra cards from friends or from prizes they can also use that cards for playing new games)
5- Every card should be has a unique Serial NO and Serial Number that should shown on card
1- We also want to change the winning rates via simple config (it can be via a simple admin panel or a config file)
2- We want to get winners list daily exported to a CSV ( we can do that manually just write a simple script for it)
3- Every image and texts on the Flash should be come from an XML file, so we can easily change the texts and icons
Please dont publish your complete portfolio, just give me some related works with Flash
And add “KAZI-KAZAN” keyword on your bid and/or PBM message if you dont do that i will ban you and you cant get any future projects from me…
it should be done in maximum 7 days..