Php/css Update For Website 3

I need the following PHP/CSS items updated and integrated on a site with wordpress and another CMS system. If you think you are able to do the work, please reply and I will send a more detailed description with the website. You must be rated on Scriptlance. Here are the basic details:

1. Links and other colors need changed in the .css files
2. Fix email contact form – doesn’t display properly
3. Fix subscribe welcome email – sends but not formatted properly
4. Fix daily email. It does not send after moving to new server
5. Incorporate simple API to pull information and send out via email
6. WP site is in / directory and other CMS site is in /new directory. Move and integrate /new to the / directory and make the WP index (I will update most but not all of the menu/footer items)

Contact me for more details. If you are able to complete this work in the next week, I will have additional work on this site to be done. It will be an ongoing project.


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