Quick Php Page Template


Quick 20 minute job for someone.

I have had this done before on another website, and it took the guy about 10 to 15 minutes to produce, so be sensible on the bidding… pay with paypal only.

I am a newbie and am knocking a website together. I have added 2 pages but don’t seem to be able to get the template right. There are errors in the nav menu and a few other errors..

The website is www.shillingbids.com please look at the pages I did by clicking the video chat and the webboard tabs… you will see that I just have not managed to get the template right.

So I need someone to make me a quick php page template that i can reuse for adding pages, while already having the header, left panel and small footer link in place, and a edotable content area where I can put my content.

The website uses smarty template and tpl files if that is any use to anyone.

multilanguage feature MUST work from template page., tewmplate page must use .php extention.

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