Need News Rewriter

I’m looking for writers to rewrite 5 news articles a day, for 6 days a week. This job is rewriting news articles, which is quite a bit easier that writing news articles from scratch, each article should be between 250 and 300 words.

The articles can be business,finance, entertainment, sports, technology, health,potitics. The rewritten articles should be in a smooth flowing, news-like style (but without a personal view or opinion).

Articles should be 100% original, if you use software to spin articles please don’t apply for this job, you will waste your time and mine, you need to be able to reproduce the articles with your own style and creativity.

Articles must be completed with good grammar, punctuation, spelling and they must pass Copyscape premium. You should be a native English Speaker, or have an excellent knowledge of the English language.

You should be able to communicate by email daily. I need someone who can start right away. I also need you to commit to writing these news articles everyday – if you miss deadlines I will stop working with you and that would be a waste of time for both of us.

If you’re interesed this project, please place your bid and PM me and start your text with “newsy” to be sure that you have read all the above and you are serious enough to handle the rewrite.

All articles have to pass Copyscape.

PLEASE BID FOR A WEEK’S WORK: 6 days x 5 articles per day = 30 articles

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