Looking for someone who can create the idea i have.
Please read all stuff and please make an offer if you can release all the things below. If anything is not clear, please ask first!
My english isn’t that good so it will not be easy to explain what i’m looking for but i’ll give it a try.
The idea:
Sometimes they call it a shopping mall, but what i want is (i guess) something complete different.
Look at http://www.uaekarobar.com/ (made with http://preprojects.com/mcart.asp)
Look here: http://www.netartmall.com/ (made with: http://www.netartmedia.net/mall/)
And please look at http://www.x-cart.com/mall_solution.html
I’m looking for something similar but then with more advance options!!
This script will consist 3 parts. But let me first explain what the intention is:
We all know the scripts where people can rent a webshop. Choose the package they want. $5 per month and they can add 10 articles, $15 for 50 articles and so on. Pay more to get more options. Soon as they have payed there shop is open and they can start customize it. Choose the template they want, domain-name, add articles and so on.
Payments will be done per 6 months and after 5 months they get a new invoice for the next 6 months.
Well, that is what i want to do too! People can rent a webshop on my website. But here they got many more options and promotion!!
I want to rental webshops per city or per topic. Every city got his own portal (website). For example webshopnewyork.com: here you can rent a webshop. Visitors of webshopnewyork.com can see a list of all webshops that are on webshopnewyork.com and they also can see a list with best selling shops, newest shops, can search for a shop, a article, sort on price, newest, deals, shop or whatever. Also can see categories, subcategories and subsub categories and so on….
When visitors sees a product then he can click on it and see more details but also can click on a link to go to owners webshop to see only that webshop what is selling that product.
I do not want a website (script) were the administrator is adding products.
I want everybody his own store his own products and so on….. I know a few dutch website’s who are doing a similar thing i would do but not enough options as i want: http://biedmeerwebwinkels.nl/ or http://www.mijnwebwinkel.nl/ or http://winkelkarretje.com/
Okay, now you know what the basic will be……. Shopping mall per city. But it can be also a shopping mall per topic. For example bookwebshop.com or bikewebshop.com
We do have (for example) webshopnewyork.com and a lot of webshops are on it. On the front of webshopnewyork.com a webshop owner can place his article for 3 days or 7 days or more (depends on what he wants to pay). To do so, he had to go to his webshop and login there and visit a article and set it to “promote on…” . Now he have to pay per sms or telephone or per ideal. Sms and telephone will go through targetpay.com (will cost ¢1,30 per item or so)
So actually, all articles that visitors see on the frontpage of webshopnewyork.com are articles promoted by a webshop owner himself. This will bring me extra money and a good commercial for the shop owners!
There are 16 articles on the front page and with ajax (or something fancy) every 5 seconds another 16 items come up on the front. A rotator system?
And now the biggest different from all other shopping malls:
Visitors can put a product in there shopping-card from webshop A and a product from webshop B.
Now; it doesn’t matter where buyers are… if they are on webshopnewyork.com and putting stuff in there shopping-card, or they are on a store and buying stuff there… Soon as they wanna check out to buy the stuff and make payments… they will go to a popup and see all the items they choose for. Behind every item it says what shop it comes from, the price per item (include or exclude vat), shipping-cost fort hat item. Then below the total price is showing.
Buyers are checking out with making only one payment and a script on the backend will divide the money to the right shop-owner. These payments will be done with Ideal and the script that makes this possible we already have from our payment server provider so you have to build this in.
Of-course payments can be done with paypal too but i’m not sure if buyers can make one payment then for all articles from different sellers. Also paying by credit-card through https://www.multicards.com must be possible.
Okay, so far we have webshops with their own admin. That admin puts articles in his webshop and can promote these articles on the webpage that his shop belongs to. (a website with the name of a city, for example webshopnewyork.com. But it can be also sportwebshop.com. This last one can be a website with all webshops that has to do something with sportarticles. But we can also have bookwebshop.com or bikewebshop.com. Name it, and it is possible. )
Next step: all those city pages or topic pages belongs to one big main website! Let’s call it webshopinyourarea.com.
On the front you can see a list with all webshopcity.com webpages and a list with topicwebpages.
In the middle you see a list of shop per city or topic (you can choose what you wanna see. You can also choose to see products that are promoted by webshop owners.
Okay, we have:
• The main website webshopinyourarea.com with an overview of webshoppages with citynames or topics.
• Webshopnewyork.com or bookwebshop.com with an overview of webshops
• Webshop with articles from shopowners
The complete script need to be work with a language file, so all text on the site is in a language-file or can be edit with a cms. Later it will be possible that visitors can choose there own language.