1) Import the history stats of the xcart from the old website and reflect them in virtue mart..ex: past sales, most sold item, etc…everything.
2) Enabling positions content 1 to 9 in Joomla. For some reason we can’t positions any module under those positions
3) Activating the gift certificates on the virtue-mart . the order status to enable the gift certificate download is set to “Pending” so that the customer can get the certificate immediately. It cannot be used until the site manually emails a coupon code so there is no risk of fraud.
4) Securing the lab locator map under IE and chrome is giving security errors. + removing the “Please enter your address” and the words “Please enter your” before the word Zip at the bottom of the map.
5) Checking SSL installation and making sure the GoDaddy EV of 2056 bits are the active one and getting rid of the others.
6) Changing the virtue mart icons to bigger more comprehensive ones.
7) Fixing bodybuilding.com parser email (we have our products listed on bodybuilding.com. when some one makes a purchase from there an email pareses the sale. Must be working on Joomla as well)
8) Linking Twitter to our Twitter account, and activating RSS feeds
Breaking in the STD test. The STD test is the sum of many other tests. Some of them are mandatory some are not. We must give the choice for the consumer when entering the STD test to be able to uncheck the other tests and the price should be adjusted accordingly).
STD test has the following tests (which are already in the virtuemart and can be simply linked to the STD test as related products)
Chlamydia (via urine, no swab required a checked radio button ON. Check marks on the Other tests)
HIV test for HIV-1
HIV-1 by PCR
HSV 2 (genital herpes)
Hepatitis Panel
RPR (syphilis)
9) Backup Joomla website after its completely done, and provide a downloadable link
10) back up the old website, and provide a download link.
11) Move the Joomla website to the main domain name (there are some files that are used by the MAP search module that resides on the old website (special care for those) these files are defined in the php file related to the map locator on /Joomla/Locator… (on the 29th 12am eastern time) . there will be a press release wired on google news and all over the place. So we really need to make it on that exact date.