Turnkey Cms Website For Holiday House Rental


I need a turnkey CMS website designed for a rental holiday house. Content and images my responsibility you just use placholder. I will supply logo, url and hosting info but you publish and get on the web.

See www.anzacvillas.com and www.apartmentalkira.com.au for what I am seeking.

Design to be clean, modern, slick. Design more similar to anzacvillas and functionality toward apartmentalkira.

Design colours: blues, greys, white – fresh

Website to be designed with 5 pages: home & reviews, location – includes google map, photo gallery, rates & calendar – inlcudes google calendar or similar, book now – includes form.

Website to be hosted with www.net24.co.nz. See http://www.net24.co.nz/webhosting.php for hosting requirements. I will open an account and supply access details and url but want you to set up whole website with fake copy and images as placholders that I can then alter in CMS. So publish and provide turnkey website.

Website needs to be able to have:
– design allows for logo insertion
– editable menu, alter/add/delete items, alter font style, colour of menu navigation
– edit background colour and shading in any boxes or headers or buttons
– body copy editable and font changeable
– image placholders to be easily switched out
– calendar to be google as per http://apartmentalkira.com.au/short-stay-apartment-melbourne/ or somethign similar. Must be easily updatable and you need to teach me how.
– book now page to be similar to http://apartmentalkira.com.au/bookings/
– rates are editable and table can expand if required
– home page has area for 3 reviews

Ideally communciation via email, skype or phone. 2-3 design examples needed.

I would want to approve design concept of home page before going further. Will have similar ongoing work of this type.

No name rights or crdit to be given on website. All owned 100% by me.

Thanks Kath

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