I would like to create a Penny Auction website/software like bidstick.com, or bidcactus.com, OR SWOOPO.COM
I would like and prefer the layout to be identical to “bidcactus.com” Complete with CMS (Content Management System) and checkout. I will need exclusive access to manage the site, change colors and graphics and layouts and add photos and downloads at my discretion. It needs to have a secure platform for members to register so their information is secure an safe. Only interested in USA members at this time. It must be able to incorporate a google shoping cart or a paypal shoping cart or somthing very simular. I also would like a price with domain regisering in my name and hosting included in the price but this is optional.
Please take a look at bidcactus.com to see what we are looking for. We look forward to your bids.
These are some other options the site must have!
• User and admin friendly
• Have clear Help/Video tutorial for new users how the site works
• Can change logo easily
• Use the dollar currency
• Be Secure and e-commerce enabled for Credit cards (Visa, Master,etc..) and PayPal
• Have the share option (facebook, twitter, myspace, RSS, etc…)
• SEO Enabled
• Have spot for advertisement
• Special deals
• You agree that the website is completely free of any copyright or trademark violations
• You supply me with the finished website complete with the code and 100% ownership by me