Entirely Client-side Flash Video – Mp3 Conversion Tool

I require a custom made flash, web page embedable tool that can convert video files into MP3 audio to be saved by the user to their PC.
The entire conversion process must be done client-side. This includes the retrieval (including downloading) of any video file download links, the actual conversion and any “page scraping”. It is best to assume that the web server the tool will be used on has no

other services running other than http.
There will be three initial sources for the video files that are to be converted. These should be modularised so that additional sources can be added in the future.

Module 1. Youtube
A search feature should be created to allow users to search for any particular video on youtube. The results will display to the user allowing them to play and convert the video to MP3.
The searchable interface is the only aspect of the project where search data can be retrieved from a server side source (the youtube php library).
The user will be able to select the various video quality varients youtube provide and will be able to convert to 64kbps, 128kbps, 192kbps and 256kbps. A progress bar will be shown to the user, representing the progress of the overall conversion, highlighing the milestones of the conversion itself, i.e video file download, converting.

Module 2. Local conversion
This is simple. User selects their local video file (flv), this is converted in the tool and re-presented to the user to save where ever they please.

Module 3. Page Scan
The user can input any web url into a search bar. The flash tool will then scan that given page for flash video files (flv’s) and present a list (similiar to that of the Youtube search results) for the user to play, or convert the file to MP3.

The main aspect of this project is to create a tool that does not require any other client-side program other than flash as this is used on Youtube itself to play videos. We must assume that the client has no other programs installed other than that required to play a youtube video. i.e flash.

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