I want a program that has all 376,992 combinations that are possible in the florida fantasy 5 game.
in this program that has all 376,992 combinations in it-I want this broken down into sets of 25 combinations–their would be 15,079.68 sets–I want to automatically be able to put the draw history into it-to be able to see where the draw history falls into the 376,992 combinations-i want to easily see where the combinations fall into the 15,079 diff sets with ease-and I want the peogram to be able to automatically be able to update it draw history-I would want a percentage graph showing me which of the 15,079 sets had the draws from–and I want to be able to see the sets of combinations so i can play them-
on the 15,079 sets-I’d like to see how many times that set was drawn from