WordPress Setup 2

I’m seeking someone to put together a blog for me; the blog will be on a WordPress template that I have purchased. I’m looking to keep it simple – more on the mid-century modern / minimalist design, no heavy flash, graphic’s loading or flying all over the pages.

I’m looking to set it up within a local market, not national which is very important to me.

The job will entail setting up:

–Admin Panel Options – customize everything on the front end.
–Page Templates –configure in page templates for my content presentation.
–SEO – Setting up title tags, meta data, built-in pagination, breadcrumbs, validated code to get maximum exposure to search engines.
–Analytics Integration set up Google’s Asynchronous Tracking Code
–Social Networking / Viral Sharing – setting up tweetmeme & facebook share, if available LinkedIn and Vimeo or similar video pod casting tool
–If I missed anything, I’d like to hear your suggestions!

I have ready the web domain, logo most of the initial content to install. Need a suggestion to host domain . . all I need is your expertise to put it all together to make it shine!

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