Vyatta Router Setup A B Network

We require someone who is familiar with Vyatta or other routing software to hand setting up a router that is going to have 1 /22 and 2 /20s at one network, with a VPN to a second network at another remote location. That router will need to be configured as well.

Both data center locations where we have space will be broadcasting the ANs simultaneously, and then via the VPN the routers will be able to take any traffic requests from either one and effectively be able to route the traffic to the appropriate network.

The end result is to have network A ultimately moved over to network B. When we shutdown a server in network A to bring it online at network B, then the arp broadcast to the routers will let them know that the IPs for that server are active in the new network B location.

I hope this is clear enough. I am not married to the idea of Vyatta, so if you know of a better solution that is just as cost effective let us know to consider.

Already have a router hardware ready, and will be purchasing the 2nd one soon. The purpose of this job initially is to get network A setup. After a few months time, we will be getting network B underway. At that time we will be looking to complete the rest of the work.

We were considering using Vyattas professional service which is $500 for the setup. However, the first impressions of dealing with them and treating us like just another ticket didn’t inspire us to take their service offering. We would rather have a relationship with someone independent.

If you can see to maintaining updates for our routers we can also consider an annual payment for this to you rather than paying that out to Vyatta as well, since the community release is the same.

If you require further clarification on the work please let me know.

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