Facebook: Targeted Traffic And Likes To Fan Page.

I am seeking a provider who can find and attract genuine, targeted traffic to a Facebook fan page which in turn will attract “likes” to the page.

Project overview:

~ Facebook users only please.

~ Must use Facebook only to get the traffic

~ Must use ethical methods only – no autoscripts, no pornography, nothing which will get the Facebook account banned

~Target audience: Interested in horse racing. Primarily should be UK based though other European countries are acceptable

~Interests: Horse racing

If you bid on this project please provide me with a breakdown of how you will provide the service if awarded the work. This must include:

~ How you will approach the task and meet the objective outlined above – methods, timings etc

~ How you will identify and attract the traffic from Facebook to the fan page

~ How you will ensure the traffic is targeted to the target audience

~ How much targeted traffic you think you can attract

~ Over what time period

~ What progress reporting you will provide

~ Your total, all-inclusive rate for carrying out the work


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